

Rental Agreement

Why Having a Rental Agreement Is Essential for Tenants and Landlords?

In NYC, different types of properties have different rent, rules, regulations, zoning laws, specifications, and restrictions. In Manhattan, the average rent of a 4-bedroom rental unit is $9,000 as compared to $3,479 for a studio. Similarly, the rules and regulations of renting both properties are different.  To abide by the rules and regulations and to […]

Guarantor for Apartment

Guarantor for Apartment Rentals: Everything You Need to Know

Renting an apartment requires sound financial planning, a strong credit score, and an excellent rental history. Sometimes, it requires a guarantor who also takes responsibility for any default in payment made by the tenant. As the rent in NYC is rising daily, the need for a guarantor is also rising. At present, the Average rent […]

Asset Property Management

The Ultimate Guide to Asset Property Management: Strategies for Success

Property management in the USA is a vast market with a value of $81.52 billion. The market comprises various segments that include overseeing residential properties, commercial properties, and business assets. The segment dealing with managing assets is generally referred to as asset property management. It ensures that the assets of the property are in good […]

Landlord vs Property Manager: Who’s Responsible for Property Maintenance?

Landlord vs Property Manager: Who’s Responsible for Property Maintenance?

Property management and maintenance are pretty tricky but necessary tasks. The property management market value is $81.52 billion and increasing with a CAGR of 3.94%, allowing the landlord to enhance return on investment.  The landlord is responsible for every task related to the property, such as management, maintenance, and tenant management. However, when they hire […]

Commercial property management

How to Choose the Right Commercial Property Management Company in NYC

The U.S. property management market is one of the toughest, most challenging, and fastest-growing markets. At present, it has a value of $81.52 billion and a growth rate of 3.94%. In this market, investors deal with two types of properties: residential and commercial. Residential properties are generally for living purposes, while commercial properties are for […]

New York Suburbs

Top 10 New York Suburbs for Families in 2024

New York is a highly competitive and profitable real estate market. In August 2024, the median listing price of a home in New York was $799,000 with a per sq. ft. price of $825. The city offers various deluxe, affluent, cozy, and comfortable spaces to families. Here, a family can enjoy a high-class lifestyle with […]

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