
Increasing Inventory Gives Buyers More Time

In a competitive market, home buyers have to make big decisions fast. There’s no time to deliberate when other interested buyers are right behind you, ready to make an offer. That’s been the case for the past several years, as the number of buyers outpaced the number of homes available for sale. Homes sold quickly and received multiple offers from competing buyers. These days, though, things are improving. In fact, according to new numbers from the National Association of Realtors’ consumer website, home buyers may finally be getting some relief. That’s because the number of homes actively for sale has now risen for eight consecutive months and is up nearly 37 percent from last year at the same time. Danielle Hale, the website’s chief economist, says this news is good for buyers. “The combination of more for-sale homes and longer time on the market is beneficial for home shoppers as they have more selection and don’t need to feel as rushed in picking a place to call home,” Hale said. (source)

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