
Americans Overestimate Mortgage Requirements

For most potential buyers, thinking about purchasing a home means thinking about applying for a loan. After all, most of us don’t carry around a suitcase full of cash when we’re out shopping houses. So before we start looking at listings, we have to look at things like our finances, credit score, requirements, and minimums to get an idea of whether or not we might be qualified to borrow. But, according to a study from Fannie Mae, though we have more access to information these days, we’re still unsure about what’s required to be approved for a mortgage. The study says, “The lack of mortgage qualification understanding is pervasive, even among current homeowners, those who say they are actively planning to purchase a home in the next three years, and those who successfully answered questions testing general financial literacy.” In other words, a lot of us are mistaken about things like what our credit score needs to be and how much of a down payment is required. Which means, many perfectly qualified buyers may be overestimating the requirements and not pursuing homeownership. If you’re interesting in buying a home, don’t discourage yourself. Talk to your lender about what’s required before giving up on buying a house. More here.

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